Hey gang, I'm back with a new hobby project. I've decided to start a Sons of Horus army for Warhammer 30k.
So to start off I bought the basics:
Horus Heresy book one Betrayal
A legion praetor set
A legion Apothacary set
A SoH Contemptor Dreadnought
15 Mk3 Tactcal Marines w/phobos bolters& SoH shoulder pads
5 Justearin Terminators w/weapons
A Fireraptor Gunship
A sicaran Tank
6 Mechanicum Thallax Cohorts
All I need to get is an imperial guard enginseer to be the leader of my Cohorts to be a legal ally
This army works if i take a rite of war that the legion praetor gives me pics of build and then painted models will follow
Adeptus Astartes: The Angels of Death
This a blog/workshop primarily about Space marines, but hey who doesnt have at least two armies. So anything 40k/WFB is going to be talked about
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Saturday, November 2, 2013
1st BitF battle report against Tyranids
For Brawl I took daemons with chaos allies
Fate Weaver ( if you don't take Fateweaver to a tournament with daemons you failed at army builder lol)
Herald of Slaanesh w/steed, loci of grace, and exalted reward
Herald of Khorne w/lesser reward, and a juggernaut
10 plague bearers
10 plagbearers
15 seekers of Slaanesh
10 flesh hounds of Khorne
Tzeentch daemon prince w/ wings exalted reward, lesser reward, and mastery lvl 2
Chaos lord w/steed of Slaanesh, Burning brand, mark of Slaanesh
20 cultist with 2 flamers
heldrake w/ bale flamers
the main battle plan was to scout dogs and jug herald up, run the seekers and herald, and out flank the 20 cultist with the chaos lord
game 1 Tyranids
from memory
flying hive tyrant
2 tervigons
doom in a pod
3 hive gurad
trygon prime
big unit of gargoyles
2 big units of guants
unit of ymgarl stealers
Nids went first and that dastardly flyerant killed my daemon prince for first blood, I surged forward cast psy powers ect, turn two sees doom come down and does nothing as I pass my leadership, combat begins with 20 gargoyles and a but load of guants charge my seekers this combat last till turn 5, my turn heldrake come on and vector strikes off a wound from the trygon, I popped his warlord tervigon into a herald of tzeentch awesome moment, his turn he charges the other tervigon into combat kills my new herald of tzeetch, damnable flyrant kills my heldrake. lets just wrap it up, he scored all points except warlord and I got warlord and line breaker.
This was a fun game against a very skilled opponent Vince W. his bugs eats..uh I mean beat people up and down the California tournament scene and I'm glad that I get to play him regulatory at the local shop and in events as our play record goes he is in the lead...for now lol, but really amazing game against someone who knows the ins and outs of his army
P.S Doom bitched slapped my herald of khorne in combat
Brawl in The Fall 2013
Hey gang, sorry about the hiatus, i cant always get on and blog like i want to (full time job and 10 month old daughter sure take a lot of time lol)
so here are some pics of the battle fields, later to day I will write up my battle reports
Monday, October 7, 2013
Work in progress Red Corsair Heldrake
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Golden Throne GT South-West: A Week later...
Howdy Folks! So I was going to write up a bunch of Battle Reports, but frankly, I find those boring to read, and a chore to write. So I thought that I would give an overview of the event, and my thoughts on what sort of Meta we saw.
Venue: This was part of a larger gaming convention. We shared space all weekend with the biggest WarmaHordes tournament I have ever seen. Our attendance was around 22 players, which is not too shabby. It was held at the Waco Convention Center.
Nice bathrooms, Restaurants with-in walking distance, and right across the street from my hotel. Lots of space between tables, and space between each for room to set down your carrying tray. Well ventilated, and well lit.
There weren't that many other games being played though. And the vendor hall was pretty sparse as well. I'm not sure the price of Convention Admission was worth it. Had I not had a specific event I wanted to play in, I would have been let down at what they had going on. Unless you have an event to go to from the gate, I would NOT recommend going to this Convention. When you compare it to conventions like KublaCon, or OrcCon, it is a real letdown. I guess not everything is bigger in Texas.
To be fair, this was their first year; maybe next year will be better.
Tournament: No real complaints. After a brief stall Saturday morning (which was in no way the TO's fault), it ran very quickly; pairings were up well before the start of each round, and at 3-hours per match, we had plenty of time to finish each game.
However, here we get to one of my issues. I finished all of my games in well-under 2 hours. Which left me with too much time on my hands. BUT... there were a few tables/players that did need/use the entire time to play their games. Thank G-D that I didn't play those people, that would have killed me. The TO and I went out for food Saturday night and when I mentioned this, he made a comment that caused me to consider this in a different light. I'm in it for the result (I'm going for the win, not the story line). These players care more about what their Lord did that turn, and they want to Forge a Narrative. They did pay the same money I did, and if that's how they enjoy it, more power to them.
I think a GT isn't the place for that, but like I said, I didn't have to play them, so it wasn't that big of a deal.
Armies: Quite the varied selection, I must say! You can see the results and the army breakdown here:
Very, VERY few vanilla marine armies, despite the codex just getting released, though a White Scars list did take 1st. And Bugz took 2nd! Crazy!
Here I want to make a statement that I've been mulling over in my head all week. I'm not sure the results to these events ever really give us any real data with which to judge the meta.
Take the top two players' lists. I look at them and see armies that I'm pretty sure I would have wrecked, had I played them. Same goes for many of the armies I saw at the top tables. Or maybe its just me bitching.
Final Comment: (Spolier: I'm going to vent, so you may just want to close this now...)
Fucking Heldrakes!
Disclaimer: This opponent I'm about to discuss seemed like a good guy during our match, and it was a fun game over all. This in no way is a negative comment about him. I'm actually hoping to see him next weekend at a local event, and hopefully we can play again.
Going into my 4th game Sunday morning, I was 2-1, and feeling pretty good. My only loss Saturday was a VERY close game Round 1, that literally came down to a single dice roll for consolidation onto an objective, and then the game ended. Those are the best games, I think.
So 4th round: I played a good guy from Dallas, who ran a very swift moving CSM list: Biker Lord with Spawns, 3x CCW-type Forgefiends, a daemon prince w/ wings, Bloodthrister, 2x blobs of Plagebearers and 3x blobs of cultists. And...... 2x Heldrakes. He had actually posted his list to me on FB earlier in the week, and I had made the comment that the only real threat I saw to my list was his Heldrakes. Guess what happened?
We played a 5-objective Dawn of War mission where the Fast Attacks are also scoring. Long story short, it was pretty back and forth. I wiped all of him fast movers by turn 2/3, with him doing light damage to me in return. Then his Dragons came on. Fast forward to turn 5 or 6 (I don't recall, I believe it was actually turn 6) and his 2x dragons had erased 90% of my army. Despite all that, I had still managed contest his rear/home objectives, but his dragons simply swooped in and scored another two, winning him the game.
I'm about to make a comment that will make me look like a whiny bitch to some, but fuck you, I'm going to make it anyways: His Heldrakes were the only thing that won him the game, against me anyways. He still made it to the top ten overall, but you can't compare fighting most other armies and fighting DE. You just can't. Apples and oranges. I'm making this comment as an indictment of that particular unit, not him taking them.
There is NO weaknesses to that unit. NONE. AV12 all around, that template of death weapon, Flying so most weapons are snap shooting; they are also Fast Attack options, so they do not really have anything to compete with in Army Selection in the CSM codex. They are just too good, IMO. As our game showed, they can allow a player to win a game all by themselves. No single unit should have the ability to affect the game in that manner.
*End Rant*
Anyways, had a great time, and if you live on the West Coast of the US, I would highly recommend attending the main Golden Throne GT out there.
Next Time: IG Fanatic shelves his Ultramarines, in favor of pulling the trigger on a long time pipedream army: War of Faith coming soon to this space.
Venue: This was part of a larger gaming convention. We shared space all weekend with the biggest WarmaHordes tournament I have ever seen. Our attendance was around 22 players, which is not too shabby. It was held at the Waco Convention Center.
Nice bathrooms, Restaurants with-in walking distance, and right across the street from my hotel. Lots of space between tables, and space between each for room to set down your carrying tray. Well ventilated, and well lit.
There weren't that many other games being played though. And the vendor hall was pretty sparse as well. I'm not sure the price of Convention Admission was worth it. Had I not had a specific event I wanted to play in, I would have been let down at what they had going on. Unless you have an event to go to from the gate, I would NOT recommend going to this Convention. When you compare it to conventions like KublaCon, or OrcCon, it is a real letdown. I guess not everything is bigger in Texas.
To be fair, this was their first year; maybe next year will be better.
Tournament: No real complaints. After a brief stall Saturday morning (which was in no way the TO's fault), it ran very quickly; pairings were up well before the start of each round, and at 3-hours per match, we had plenty of time to finish each game.
However, here we get to one of my issues. I finished all of my games in well-under 2 hours. Which left me with too much time on my hands. BUT... there were a few tables/players that did need/use the entire time to play their games. Thank G-D that I didn't play those people, that would have killed me. The TO and I went out for food Saturday night and when I mentioned this, he made a comment that caused me to consider this in a different light. I'm in it for the result (I'm going for the win, not the story line). These players care more about what their Lord did that turn, and they want to Forge a Narrative. They did pay the same money I did, and if that's how they enjoy it, more power to them.
I think a GT isn't the place for that, but like I said, I didn't have to play them, so it wasn't that big of a deal.
Armies: Quite the varied selection, I must say! You can see the results and the army breakdown here:
Very, VERY few vanilla marine armies, despite the codex just getting released, though a White Scars list did take 1st. And Bugz took 2nd! Crazy!
Here I want to make a statement that I've been mulling over in my head all week. I'm not sure the results to these events ever really give us any real data with which to judge the meta.
Take the top two players' lists. I look at them and see armies that I'm pretty sure I would have wrecked, had I played them. Same goes for many of the armies I saw at the top tables. Or maybe its just me bitching.
Final Comment: (Spolier: I'm going to vent, so you may just want to close this now...)
Fucking Heldrakes!
Disclaimer: This opponent I'm about to discuss seemed like a good guy during our match, and it was a fun game over all. This in no way is a negative comment about him. I'm actually hoping to see him next weekend at a local event, and hopefully we can play again.
Going into my 4th game Sunday morning, I was 2-1, and feeling pretty good. My only loss Saturday was a VERY close game Round 1, that literally came down to a single dice roll for consolidation onto an objective, and then the game ended. Those are the best games, I think.
So 4th round: I played a good guy from Dallas, who ran a very swift moving CSM list: Biker Lord with Spawns, 3x CCW-type Forgefiends, a daemon prince w/ wings, Bloodthrister, 2x blobs of Plagebearers and 3x blobs of cultists. And...... 2x Heldrakes. He had actually posted his list to me on FB earlier in the week, and I had made the comment that the only real threat I saw to my list was his Heldrakes. Guess what happened?
We played a 5-objective Dawn of War mission where the Fast Attacks are also scoring. Long story short, it was pretty back and forth. I wiped all of him fast movers by turn 2/3, with him doing light damage to me in return. Then his Dragons came on. Fast forward to turn 5 or 6 (I don't recall, I believe it was actually turn 6) and his 2x dragons had erased 90% of my army. Despite all that, I had still managed contest his rear/home objectives, but his dragons simply swooped in and scored another two, winning him the game.
I'm about to make a comment that will make me look like a whiny bitch to some, but fuck you, I'm going to make it anyways: His Heldrakes were the only thing that won him the game, against me anyways. He still made it to the top ten overall, but you can't compare fighting most other armies and fighting DE. You just can't. Apples and oranges. I'm making this comment as an indictment of that particular unit, not him taking them.
There is NO weaknesses to that unit. NONE. AV12 all around, that template of death weapon, Flying so most weapons are snap shooting; they are also Fast Attack options, so they do not really have anything to compete with in Army Selection in the CSM codex. They are just too good, IMO. As our game showed, they can allow a player to win a game all by themselves. No single unit should have the ability to affect the game in that manner.
*End Rant*
Anyways, had a great time, and if you live on the West Coast of the US, I would highly recommend attending the main Golden Throne GT out there.
Next Time: IG Fanatic shelves his Ultramarines, in favor of pulling the trigger on a long time pipedream army: War of Faith coming soon to this space.
Daemons work in progress
So this is what I've been doing in my spare time between work and a 9 month old. I like slaanesh a lot, mainly because the units are usually cheaper then the other 3 gods, are usually faster( movement and initiative) and they all get rending. Mmmm rending it's like Christmas in combat, armor = tissue paper lol
So seeing as I like slaanesh rules, the problem is I hate.... And I mean I hate the new daemonett look, it's so much worse the the previous sculpt its not even funny
and nobody say it's because they wanted to tone down the boobage, they just released the bloodwrack Medusa with breast a swinging.
So I decided in a Greek/ancient warrior theme to my slaanesh Deamons, and speaking of bloodwrack medusa it will make a perfect Damon princess of slaanesh
Lucky for me warriors of chaos had plenty of models to plunder from, oh and I have 20 have the awesome daemonetts and when they are painted I will post pics
Slaanesh herald
Icon bearer
Heart seeker
Portal glyph
Khorne herald
Same guy
Fallen dark angel chaos lord
Saturday, October 5, 2013
We're Back
Sorry gang, I haven't posted in awhile due to real life situations coming up. i moved to a new work site and the work load is literally 20 times the amount i had before, so no posting from work when I'm bored lol.
So lets recap on what I'm working on at the moment. i am getting a 1750 list ready for a local mini GT called brawl in the fall. so far it looks like this.
Herald of Slaanesh w/ steed & exalted reward & lesser loci
Herald of Khorne w/ juggernaut & lesser reward
10 plague bearers
10 daemonetts( mite switch out for plague bearers not sure yet)
15 seekers of Slaanesh
10 flesh hounds
daemon prince of Tzeentch w/wings exalted reward & lesser reward & psy lvl 1
chaos space marine lord w/ mark of Slaanesh, steed, lightening claw, melta bomb, sigil of corruption, & burning brand
20 cultist w/ 2 flamers
heldrake w/ bale flamer( not sure of the hades auto cannon is better to help against vehicles)
and all my spare time is getting this painted lol, ill post pics after the projec is finished
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