Thursday, August 29, 2013

Sammael conversion

So I did I minor conversion of sammael, I cut off his head and carved out the excess finecast and replaced it with the winged helm from the black knight kit. The ravensword sadly looks like a weedy bread slicer compared to the new plastic power swords and if yours is like mine the finecast version bends and looks like a limp noodle. So I replaced it with the sord of caliban, also from the black knight kit.

The head was very simple just some cutting and carving, the sword was more problematic but again fairly simply. So after snipping of the sword I drilled a small hole into the hand with a hand crank pin drill and then I cut a piece of a paper clip to the size I needed. It acts as sort of a skelaton, I then proceeded to find the right angle I want the sword to attach so it matches with the hilt on the lower hand. Then I made a small hole by useing my hobby knife and lined up the sword and put it on. There are some gaps but when I get home I'll fill those with some green stuff.
Now the reason the sword was such a pain is because I drilled a little off center with hand and had to compensate with the hilt on the sword and it still took me about 10 minutes of lining up to get it looking right

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What I did today

So today I built my first ravenwing land speeder typhoon, I built him with a heavy bolter. I chose this configuration because a typhoon can pop off two S8 Ap3 missiles into you opponents face at 48 inches, plus a 12 inch move gives you a 60 inch range on those bad boys, land speeders are great for mobile fire power but will fall out of the sky if anything but guardsmen sneezes at them.

So I built the speeder in sections and yes when you put the 2 halves of the chassis together it's a good Idea to use a thick rubber band to tie the the hood of the speeder down, I kept my gunner and pilot separate for ease of painting, I promise to put up some pics soon 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My 500 ravenwing

Okay so taking a crack at this with my ravenwing, and yes I realize this list won't be super " competitive" but sure should be fun

Sammael....200 pts

4 man ravenwing attack squad
Serg has melta-bombs... 112 pts

4 man ravenwing attack squad
Serg has melta-bombs... 112 pts

Raven support squad
Land speeder w/ typhoon missile.. 75 pts 

So this takes me to 499 just under the start goal. Okay my main strengths with this army is very tough/resilient and super mobile. The bikes and sammael will move up and take the fight to my opponent and my speeder will hang back and rain krak/frag missile confetti like its New Years. Okay it's off to finish building my squads then time to paint.

Tactical tip guys always try and squeeze melta bombs onto you sergeants, for measly amount of points it buys you protection from walkers and MCs and allows you to make charges on vehicles and be able to take them out.

A tale of 4 gamers

Okay gang I'm going to start a tail of 4 gamers segment. So I'm going to need 3 lucky volunteers from the audience.

So lets try and get different armies, but hey I get it new space marines are coming and as long as each person plays a different flavor of our favorite 3+ save boys it will still be interesting 

So start off at 500 points for the first month and we'll add 300 and the last month will be 350 so at the end we each have a tournament size 1750 army in 5 months, oh and it must be painted each month, not to bad right? And we will play tons of games and post battle reports and tactics to help anyone just starting in our hobby or an old vet learn new tricks.

Ravenwing project

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. This will be at first a showcase of a ravenwing army I am currently building, but I hope to expand it into something much more with tactics and army reviews fan art and short stories, so if you have an army project you want to share or a cool battle report feel free.

*please no trolls, and if someone post something and the grammer is making you weep, get over it. Not everyone is an english major/professor and alot of the time post comes from cell phones and mistakes happen*