Saturday, November 2, 2013

1st BitF battle report against Tyranids

For Brawl I took daemons with chaos allies

Fate Weaver ( if you don't take Fateweaver to a tournament with daemons you failed at army builder lol)

Herald of Slaanesh w/steed, loci of grace, and exalted reward

Herald of Khorne w/lesser reward, and a juggernaut

10 plague bearers

10 plagbearers

15 seekers of Slaanesh

10 flesh hounds of Khorne

Tzeentch daemon prince w/ wings exalted reward, lesser reward, and mastery lvl 2

Chaos lord w/steed of Slaanesh, Burning brand, mark of Slaanesh

20 cultist with 2 flamers

heldrake w/ bale flamers

the main battle plan was to scout dogs and jug herald up, run the seekers and herald, and out flank the 20 cultist with the chaos lord

game 1 Tyranids

from memory

flying hive tyrant
2 tervigons
doom in a pod
3 hive gurad
trygon prime
big unit of gargoyles 
2 big units of guants
unit of ymgarl stealers

Nids went first and that dastardly flyerant killed my daemon prince for first blood, I surged forward cast psy powers ect, turn two sees doom come down and does nothing as I pass my leadership, combat begins with 20 gargoyles and a but load of guants charge my seekers this combat last till turn 5, my turn heldrake come on and vector strikes off a wound from the trygon, I popped his warlord tervigon into a herald of tzeentch awesome moment, his turn he charges the other tervigon into combat kills my new herald of tzeetch, damnable flyrant kills my heldrake. lets just wrap it up, he scored all points except warlord and I got warlord and line breaker.

This was a fun game against a very skilled opponent Vince W. his bugs eats..uh I mean beat people up and down the California tournament scene and I'm glad that I get to play him regulatory at the local shop and in events as our play record goes he is in the lead...for now lol, but really amazing game against someone who knows the ins and outs of his army

P.S Doom bitched slapped my herald of khorne in combat

Brawl in The Fall 2013

Hey gang, sorry about the hiatus, i cant always get on and blog like i want to (full time job and 10 month old daughter sure take a lot of time lol)

so here are some pics of the battle fields, later to day I will write up my battle reports

Monday, October 7, 2013

Work in progress Red Corsair Heldrake

So what have I learned? Paint this son of a bitch before you glue the wings in and the head on lol, oh well I can't wait to troll marines lol

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Golden Throne GT South-West: A Week later...

Howdy Folks! So I was going to write up a bunch of Battle Reports, but frankly, I find those boring to read, and a chore to write. So I thought that I would give an overview of the event, and my thoughts on what sort of Meta we saw.

Venue: This was part of a larger gaming convention. We shared space all weekend with the biggest WarmaHordes tournament I have ever seen. Our attendance was around 22 players, which is not too shabby. It was held at the Waco Convention Center.

Nice bathrooms, Restaurants with-in walking distance, and right across the street from my hotel. Lots of space between tables, and space between each for room to set down your carrying tray. Well ventilated, and well lit.

There weren't that many other games being played though. And the vendor hall was pretty sparse as well. I'm not sure the price of Convention Admission was worth it. Had I not had a specific event I wanted to play in, I would have been let down at what they had going on. Unless you have an event to go to from the gate, I would NOT recommend going to this Convention. When you compare it to conventions like KublaCon, or OrcCon, it is a real letdown. I guess not everything is bigger in Texas.

To be fair, this was their first year; maybe next year will be better.

Tournament:  No real complaints. After a brief stall Saturday morning (which was in no way the TO's fault), it ran very quickly; pairings were up well before the start of each round, and at 3-hours per match, we had plenty of time to finish each game.

However, here we get to one of my issues. I finished all of my games in well-under 2 hours. Which left me with too much time on my hands. BUT... there were a few tables/players that did need/use the entire time to play their games. Thank G-D that I didn't play those people, that would have killed me. The TO and I went out for food Saturday night and when I mentioned this, he made a comment that caused me to consider this in a different light. I'm in it for the result (I'm going for the win, not the story line). These players care more about what their Lord did that turn, and they want to Forge a Narrative. They did pay the same money I did, and if that's how they enjoy it, more power to them.

I think a GT isn't the place for that, but like I said, I didn't have to play them, so it wasn't that big of a deal.

Armies: Quite the varied selection, I must say! You can see the results and the army breakdown here:

Very, VERY few vanilla marine armies, despite the codex just getting released, though a White Scars list did take 1st. And Bugz took 2nd! Crazy!

Here I want to make a statement that I've been mulling over in my head all week. I'm not sure the results to these events ever really give us any real data with which to judge the meta.

Take the top two players' lists. I look at them and see armies that I'm pretty sure I would have wrecked, had I played them. Same goes for many of the armies I saw at the top tables. Or maybe its just me bitching.

Final Comment:  (Spolier: I'm going to vent, so you may just want to close this now...)

Fucking Heldrakes!

Disclaimer: This opponent I'm about to discuss seemed like a good guy during our match, and it was a fun game over all. This in no way is a negative comment about him. I'm actually hoping to see him next weekend at a local event, and hopefully we can play again.

Going into my 4th game Sunday morning, I was 2-1, and feeling pretty good. My only loss Saturday was a VERY close game Round 1, that literally came down to a single dice roll for consolidation onto an objective, and then the game ended. Those are the best games, I think.

So 4th round: I played a good guy from Dallas, who ran a very swift moving CSM list: Biker Lord with Spawns, 3x CCW-type Forgefiends, a daemon prince w/ wings, Bloodthrister, 2x blobs of Plagebearers and 3x blobs of cultists. And...... 2x Heldrakes. He had actually posted his list to me on FB earlier in the week, and I had made the comment that the only real threat I saw to my list was his Heldrakes. Guess what happened?

We played a 5-objective Dawn of War mission where the Fast Attacks are also scoring. Long story short, it was pretty back and forth. I wiped all of him fast movers by turn 2/3, with him doing light damage to me in return. Then his Dragons came on. Fast forward to turn 5 or 6 (I don't recall, I believe it was actually turn 6) and his 2x dragons had erased 90% of my army. Despite all that, I had still managed contest his rear/home objectives, but his dragons simply swooped in and scored another two, winning him the game.

I'm about to make a comment that will make me look like a whiny bitch to some, but fuck you, I'm going to make it anyways: His Heldrakes were the only thing that won him the game, against me anyways. He still made it to the top ten overall, but you can't compare fighting  most other armies and fighting DE. You just can't. Apples and oranges. I'm making this comment as an indictment of that particular unit, not him taking them.

There is NO weaknesses to that unit. NONE. AV12 all around, that template of death weapon, Flying so most weapons are snap shooting; they are also Fast Attack options, so they do not really have anything to compete with in Army Selection in the CSM codex. They are just too good, IMO. As our game showed, they can allow a player to win a game all by themselves. No single unit should have the ability to affect the game in that manner.

*End Rant*

Anyways, had a great time, and if you live on the West Coast of the US, I would highly recommend attending the main Golden Throne GT out there.

Next Time: IG Fanatic shelves his Ultramarines, in favor of pulling the trigger on a long time pipedream army: War of Faith coming soon to this space.      

Daemons work in progress

So this is what I've been doing in my spare time between work and a 9 month old. I like slaanesh a lot, mainly because the units are usually cheaper then the other 3 gods, are usually faster( movement and initiative) and they all get rending. Mmmm rending it's  like Christmas in combat, armor = tissue paper lol

  So seeing as I like slaanesh rules, the problem is I hate.... And I mean I hate the new daemonett look, it's so much worse the the previous sculpt its not even funny
and nobody say it's because they wanted to tone down the boobage, they just released the bloodwrack Medusa with breast a swinging.

 So I decided in a Greek/ancient warrior theme to my slaanesh Deamons, and speaking of bloodwrack medusa it will make a perfect Damon princess of slaanesh
 Lucky for me warriors of chaos had plenty of models to plunder from, oh and I have 20 have the awesome daemonetts and when they are painted I will post pics
Slaanesh herald
Icon bearer
Heart seeker

Portal glyph
Khorne herald
Same guy
Fallen dark angel chaos lord

Saturday, October 5, 2013

We're Back

Sorry gang, I haven't posted in awhile due to real life situations coming up. i moved to a new work site and the work load is literally 20 times the amount i had before, so no posting from work when I'm bored lol.

So lets recap on what I'm working on at the moment. i am getting a 1750 list ready for a local mini GT called brawl in the fall. so far it looks like this.

Herald of Slaanesh w/ steed & exalted reward & lesser loci
Herald of Khorne w/ juggernaut  & lesser reward

10 plague bearers
10 daemonetts( mite switch out for plague bearers not sure yet)

15 seekers of Slaanesh
10 flesh hounds

daemon prince of Tzeentch w/wings exalted reward & lesser reward & psy lvl 1

chaos space marine lord w/ mark of Slaanesh, steed, lightening claw, melta bomb, sigil of corruption, & burning brand

20 cultist w/ 2 flamers

heldrake w/ bale flamer( not sure of the hades auto cannon is better to help against vehicles)

and  all my spare time is getting this painted lol, ill post pics after the projec is finished

Monday, September 23, 2013

Golden Throne GT South-West Pre-Game Show

Game Time! The crowds of the Con, the fierce competition, the different armies hastily glued together and perhaps a layer of primer applied... I love Grand Tournaments! When it all comes down to it, anybody can fine-tune their army for optimal performance against their regular opponents. But to build a force that can preform against anybody you might run into (known as a WAAC list; Win/Work Against All Comers) is a true skill and one that I constantly strive to perfect.

                                Beware the Grey Phantoms! Scourge of the GT circuit!

I'm going to the inaugural Golden Throne South West Grand Tournament this weekend at the inaugural WaCon in Waco, Texas. Here's a link:

Standard Core Rulebook missions and deployment, 5 rounds. I prefer this, as there's no special mission parameters to keep track of, and this allows you to focus on the game itself, not what goofiness the TO's have come up with. Don't get me wrong, there's a time and place for Forging the Narrative. An event where your paying $65 a head to compete in isn't it.

This will also act as a brief overview of the DE codex, touching upon some of the core features of the codex that makes it the most underestimated of the competitive armies.

The Army: Dark Eldar w/ Craftworld Allies

The Baron: Standard

(4) 5-man Warrior Squad: Blaster
- Venom: Night Shield, Flickerfield, duel Splinter Cannon

(2) 3-man Trueborn Squad: 2x Dark Lances
- Venom: Night Shield, Flickerfield, Duel Splinter Cannon

(3) Ravager: 3x Dark lances

Spirit Seer: Standard

5-man Wraithguard: D-cannons
- Wave Serpent: Twin-linked Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Holo-fields

6-man Guardian Jetbike Squad: Standard

Wraith Knight: Standard

Total: 1,999 points

The Plan:

First, a bit a vetting: at the risk of bragging, my Dark Eldar are a force to be feared. They always do well, and my Win/Loss record is a bit better then 3-1. This codex does something that almost no other codex does: spreading firepower around equally. What I mean by that is that with most armies, if you destroy their 2-3 high-threat units, they are left with a smattering of tactical marines/guardsmen, and little else. By turn 3-4, they have nothing left that can do anything but run for the objectives. With DE, there are no obvious threat units. Everything puts out the same damage (if you build your army properly) and the loss of 2-3 units in turns 1-3 isn't crippling. With their advantage of speed and mobile firepower, believe me, its rare that an opponent kills more then this.

Another advantage this codex has, is Splinter Weapons, and Dark Light weapons. Splinter weapons ALWAYS wound on a 4+, regardless of the opponents toughness value. Many codex's pay a premium for higher-then-average toughness (biker units, Monstrous Creatures, the list goes on). Read my lips: I love seeing these units across from me! You have a 3+ save on that unit? I have the mobility and rate of fire that will make you take 15-20 saves. A turn. You WILL fail some. Most armies have to rely upon low ROF, high strength-low AP weapons to deal with these units. No so with DE; my basic troops all wound on 4+ with their guns. Suck it, Tyranids! (Vince, your the exception.)

Dark Light Weapons are the DE's standard anti-tank weapon. STR 8, AP 2, range varies: Blasters have 18" (assault), while the Dark Lances are 36" (Heavy). Each only fire a single shot. However, at BS4 they shine because of a certain USR they both have: Lance. This means that any Armor Values higher then 12, count as 12. This has the effect that you never need higher then a 4+ to glance, and a 5+ to penetrate. This may not seem like a great deal, but when your army has so many, that can move so fast and STILL fire...well, they do wonders. Dark Lances and Blasters are also great for character sniping; simply hose down the unit with splinter fire, and then ally the Dark Light Weapons. Any low model count, high armor unit (terminators and such) are great targets as well.

The Cons: DE suffer against lots of AV 12 tanks, and since the advent of 6th edition, flyers have been a real game killer. In addition, the changes to the disembark and fleet rules in 6th have killed off our assault abilities. Oh, well, we were always better at shooting anyways.

My above army puts out 72 splinter shots at 36" (not counting infantry!) and 13 Dark Lance shots at 36" (not counting movement speeds). All on BS4. And that's before you add in the Craftweorld Allie's shooting power. I've got every confidence in my Kabal's ability to saturate the high-value enemy squads with a hail-storm of poisoned shards of glass.

You'll notice that my firepower comes from my troops almost exclusively. This is a double-edged blade. On the one hand, my scoring units can fight AND make objective grabs. On the other, when I loose a unit, I loose BOTH scoring ability and firepower.

About my allies:

I've never used allies, in any of my armies. I just don't like the idea of ignoring the fluff for an in-game advantage. However, Eldar of both types maintain close ties in the fluff, so I'm okay with it.

As previously stated, the Dark Eldar have some glaring deficiencies  when it comes to fliers and enemy armor. Hopefully, the Wraithguard and the Wraith Knight, coupled with the Spirit Seers ability to 'mark' targets for them will help with this. Also, I believe this combination of units will add an overall "tough cookie" aspect to my army. This will be the very first time I have evert used these units in combat, so I'm going to have a steep learning curve, but I believe my decade and a half experience playing 40k will help negate it somewhat.

The Guardian Jetbike squadron is there to act as wounds for the Baron, and later in the game, abandon him to grab me Linebreaker points and maybe contest an opponents objective.

Watch this spot for  photos from the event and an in-depth battle report!

Until next time, Khaine Protects.

Marching from Macragge: Squad Judah

Greetings fellow dice rollers. Just finished my first full tactical squad, so I thought I'd share them.

Heres the whole squad. Being normal tactical marines, I didn't think anybody would care to see each individual marine. They are armed with a Grav-Gun, Heavy Bolter, and Sergeant Judah has a Combi-Grav. They will ride into battle in a Drop Pod, and that's the next on my list to build and paint. Here are some highlights:

As always, I apologize for the picture quality, I need to get a better camera and maybe a white box.

I've put the Chapter symbol and squad numbers on each marine, as well as Sergeant and Squad Leader markings on the leaders. This is my first time using the transfer sheets from GW, and I've gotten mixed results. Some have gone on perfectly smooth, while others are already starting to peel a little bit.

This squad was built from the new Tactical Squad box, with some bitz cherry-picked from the new Sternguard box. The new kits are excellent, and each and every bit and component has been completely redone. While they look similar, the details are much crisper, and the poses look a little more dynamic.

Side Note: I've scrapped Sicarius. While he is a solid army buffer, I wanted something a little more killy. So, I give you Captain Macabee. Noticed a theme in the names?

Also, I've given up the "recreating the 2nd Company" from the codex idea, too much inflexibility.

He's got a Thunder Hammer, and the shield can either be the relic, or a standard version.

Until next time, the Emperor Protects.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Recent Poll

Recent poll posted shows the space marines as the most popular army. So why is this exactly? Is it because they are featured in all the starter set? Or maybe its the iconic hero mystique that is portrayed in their background. The real reason space marines are so popular is they come in all the color and fluff of the rainbow, they are tactically extremely flexible able to achieve almost every play style with their rules. Lets not forget they are also updated for every edition so you know your army/investment wont be invalidated or unplayable for a decade. At the end of the day they are a players own nature made manifest whether your marines are defenders of humanity or see humans as worthless chattel that get in the way of stomping xenos and as a human it is fundamentally in our nature to be able to relate to these archetypes in space marines easier then say eldar or tyranids .

Sunday, September 15, 2013

chapter tactics: or why our way of fighting is better then you(s)

 So this will be a series of articles focused on the way chapter tactics work and how to abuse them for the giant W... I mean the love of the game. So the first set we will have a gander at is the Ultramarines, GWs love child, their bread and butter, though for all you haters out there Ultramarines weren't always the poster, hell they only had the lime light for two editions. First edition also known as Rogue Trader had Crimson fist fighting orks, Second edition had Blood Angels fighting orks, third edition had Black Templar I believe fighting orks, fourth edition finally had Ultramarines vs Tyranids, fifth had Ultramarines vs orks, and sixth is dark Angels vs Chaos.... huh looks like orks are the marines favorite punching bag.

   Okay rant over lol, So Ultramarines get three doctrines. The first is tactical that lets all Ultramarins in your primary detachment reroll 1s when shooting, or if they are the actual tactical marine unit its all misses when shooting, this does allow tacticals to reliable reroll snap shots but onlyin your shooting phase so it wont work on over watch.

  The second  doctrine is the assault doctrine, it lets everyone in this detacthment reoll assault distance, it gives jump packs and bikes'attack bikes fleet instead i get why jump packers got fleet so dumb dumbs don't confuse it with the jump pack rules but I'm not so sure why the decided to point bikes out also.

  The Third doctrine is the devastator one, it lets your detachment reroll snap shots and gives devastaor marines relentless unless they are getting out of a vehicle, so no four heavy weapons and a drop pod combo.
  now you can put some devs in a rhino, call this doctrine and move said rhino up and let the relentless heay weapon troopers fire out the hatch.

  In the hands of a skilled player the Ultramarines tactics are scary game winning combos, there so flexible and help any kind of army you build, don't discount a drop assault with 40-60 twin linked bolter shots coming at you, sorry friends bolters win battle, they aren't high strength or flashy laser/plasma.lava beams but they will work over your opponents troops choices like a fat kid eats cake.

   lets break it down ive got 3 units in drop pods 2 tactical squads and an iron clad, i have 2 dev squads in rhinos and some bikers because lets face it bikers rock. So 2 pods come down try and get them close bar scatter failure. extend the doors for the love of god, then either have two tac squads take more up more space, dreadnought works for this also, pop your dev tactics move the rhinos up and shoot with relentless, unload with tac squad( rerolling with their snap heavy weapon) and now when your enemy wants to shoot hopefully their line of sight passes over your forward line, and yes if a unit shoots through or over a drop pod and its doors it gives you a 5+ cover, next turn hopefully you get tac squad 2 come down and hose the field with bolter shots.

  I did not mention the bikes because if you aren't running 2 grav guns and a combi grav at the very least on the squad and hunting monstrous creatures and elite infantry your doing it wrong. So in conclusion the boys in blue are back and kicking ass.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Awesome Hippo

i so want this as an objective marker, paint the cans as your choice of beer lol

Friday, September 13, 2013

Grav Weapons, quit yer bitchen

The new Space marines are here and man do they rock. The new sherif in town is easly the grav weapon, put simply it turns your your opponets awesome armor value up on its head imagine crushing an empty beer can. Thats what your oppontes 200+ squad/monster will look like in short order. The best platform for these guns besides the new centurion( who'd have thought the new expensive kit has good rules)is bikes. You get a very fast, RELENTLESS( key word) platfom. This way your getting maxium potntial out of these guns with a 12 inch move, 18 inch range so thats a 30 inch gun that fires 3 times with ap2 wounding on your targets armor save, ya termies are pwned on 2+( remember the beer can). Now agaisnt vehicles they are meh you have to roll a 6 and it causes 1 hull point and immobilizaed result. This is where the interwebs has its panties in a bunch. You have all these people saying that it doesnt cause an additional hull point to an alreay immobile vehicle and the only evidence they can throw at this conclusion is a faq meant for drop pods. Its like reading what the guy on ancient aliens says about pyramids and flying saucers( please no one give him a necron codex). Now how this gun works to the letter of the law( yes I grabbed my rule book and said " I am the law"). This is straight from the space marine codex entry on grav weapons( the vehicle part) When resolving a hit against a vehicle, instead of rolling for penatration as normal( what this means is your still rolling to penatrate the vechilce just not like you would with a lascannon so vehicles DO GET cover and invulnerable saves!!)on a 1-5 nothing happens, but on a 6 the target suffers an immobilised RESULT( hence you can get double immobiliezed and cause an additional hull point)and suffers 1 hull point. What this means becaus I talk to much is: if you shoot a vehicle fresh from xibit, new paint job and chrome, with no form of damage on it you will do 1 hull point and immobilize this vehicle. Ifyou shoot at the griswalds station wagon or a vehcile already immobilized you will do 2 hull points, 1 for the weopons ability and the 2nd for the a double immobilized result. If you happen to roll two 6s, which if using centurions its extremly likely as they get to reroll if they dont get a 6 and shoot 15 shots for 3 guys. You will cause 3 hull points, yes 3 hull points because: 2 for the guns ability and 1 for double immobilization. if any one disagrees with you or this please have them show me/you anywhere else in the RULE BOOK where it talks about the immobilization result except for the vehicle damage table (p74), which supports my argument by the way. I know all you Tau/Dar players are knashing your teeth and himming and hommering( yes I'm from the south. Please quit your bitching and lets compare cheesy/broken rules/wargear combos.....okay you done? can we play some 40k now? Look guys this is how it worked for drop pods till it got FAQd, and this is how it works for grav guns. I dont see IG players complaining and they have the most vehicles on the table. Why you ask becasue at the end of the day its a 3+ or 2+ dude who has the gun and enough shots/ russ pie plates or ghetto rending will smack the smurf upside his head and problem solved. Thanks for reading, until next time, Stay classy 40k

Marching from Macragge: Lions of Macragge

IG Fanatic here, time to post up Sicarius's Command Squad. To begin with, I had originally done up a few of them with Meltaguns because the SM CS has had access to these since 3rd edition. Then the new codex dropped, and they said CS didn't get access to Special Weapons anymore. So I refitted them with pure CC weapons. Then the other day, GW FAQ'ed them to get Special Weapons. *cue my annoyed face* Moving on...

Before I begin, bear in mind that none of this is my own creative process. As previously stated, I am copying the pre-established fluff for the Ultramarines 2nd Company which has already been set down by GW. You can find this in the old 5th edition Space Marine codex, or on page 24-25 of the new 6th edition codex.

Interesting fact: unlike the majority of the infantry units, the Command Squad did not receive a points reduction in the 6th edition codex. The Apothecary just became optional, which leaves the unit at the exact same points cost as before. 

Veteran Sergeant Daceus: (If your not pointing at the foe, your not an Astartes!)

  The leader of Sicarius's Command Unit, he has more stylized armor (BA Sanguinary Guard Torso and his left shoulder pad is a super-squirrel version of the chapter symbol). The Codex shows him as having a Power Fist, so he got one. This should be useful when I really need the squad to run up and back-hand an opposing vehicle. He also got a flamer; because it A) looks cool, and B) Power Fists are specialized weapons and don't gain the extra attack from having a bolt pistol, he got one of the squads Special Weapons. (More on that choice of weapon later.)

Apothecary Venatio:

Wow, these guys still can't get any upgrades. But they HAVE become an upgrade option, so if you don't want one, you don't have to pay the points for them. Basically, I just built an Apothecary out of the standard GW CS kit, and made sure to give him a bolt pistol so that he'd be WYSIWYG. Cheers. Note: The new white paint goes on exceptionally better then the old Skull White color. You still need 2-3 layers if your doing a large area like the Aothecary's backpack or his shoulder pad(s), but its definitely a step up from the previous color.

Brother Vandius (Company Standard Bearer):

Since I'm running the Codex Chapter upon which all codex chapters are based, I consulted the 2nd Edition Ultramarine Codex to see how the Company Standard Bearer should look. Chapter emblem on the left shoulder (standard practice) and a laurel-wreathed skull on the right. I also gave him a laurel-helmet from the Blood Angels Death Company kit, to add to his honored status. Regarding his "flag": I took inspiration from the United States Marine Corps, which by tradition has a 'Guide On' flag for each platoon, used for formation runs and basic formation duties. The banner itself bears the colors of the company (yellow) and in game play will count as a Power Lance, NOT a Company Banner.

This gives him +1 str and AP3 on the charge, but str-as-user and AP4 the rest of the time. My reason for this is two-fold: It fits the weapon he is carrying, and no one else I've ever heard of uses Power Lances. At All. That's reason enough for me.

Note: I should not have taken this picture with the bright yellow storage bin in the background, but oh well, I'm too lazy to change it.

Honored Brother Gaius Prabian:

The Codex Fluff lists this guy as the Company Champion, but that unit's wargear is horrible. So I'm taking an exception to the fluff with this model. He's just a standard Veteran whose got a Power Axe, and a Bolt Pistol. Other then that, nothing else special. He's got a head from the new Sternguard plastic kit, and a note about those. They look beautiful, but the facial details are such that even the slightest layer of paint obscures the details and makes their face look like oatmeal. I may go back and replace his head with helmet at some point.

Brother Malcian:

 The Companies Chief Communications Officer. Yes, the fluff says that each suit of Power Armor has comms gear, but I love the Horus Heresy squads that have a radio man in each squad. The radio is an Imperial Guard command squad Vox Caster. I just carved down the backpack mount on his rear torso and,... boom! He also has one of the squads flamers as well. Seemed like a good choice for him. I plan to have each Tactical squad in the army have a radio man as well.

The Squad as a Whole:

A few notes. I plan to mount the whole unit with Captain Sicarius in a Land Raider Crusader. This will ensure that it gets to make the charge. This is crucial as its an assault unit, and coupled with Sicarius's Warlord Trait, getting the charge is everything.

I chose Flamers because they are a cheap way to soften up an enemy unit before the charge. Plus, Tyranids and Orks are likely to be the next up for Codex release by GW, so it makes sense to incorporate some decent anti-horde weapons in now. The varied close combat weapons are there to cause maximum damage no matter what unit they need to destroy. Each member has 4 attacks on the charge; that's a lot of STR 6-9 attacks! Note that due to Sicarius's one-time Furious Charge ability (Warlord Trait), those weapons are at 1+ STR. Used properly, this unit should give me the ability to crush a crucial enemy unit in assault. It has an excellent mix of at-initiative AP3 attacks and I1 AP2 attacks.  With a Land Raider as transport, this will be my opponents neglected backfield scoring unit, as most 6th edition armies lack suffient weapons capable of stopping a Land Raider of any type. This will make his/her game plan shift uncontrollably. Well, hopefully.

Modeling: I've given every member of the squad a Veteran Sergeant shoulder pad, as they are the cream of the 2nd Company, and they would all be Veteran Squad Leaders in their own right. I also made sure each member has Frag/Krak grenades and spare ammo pouches, because, well, this just makes sense.

Well, that's all for now, hope you enjoyed reading!