Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Sons Of Horus Legion

Hey gang, I'm back with a new hobby project. I've decided to start a Sons of Horus army for Warhammer 30k.

So to start off I bought the basics:

Horus Heresy book one Betrayal
A legion praetor set
A legion Apothacary set
A SoH Contemptor Dreadnought
15 Mk3 Tactcal Marines w/phobos bolters& SoH shoulder pads
5 Justearin Terminators w/weapons
A Fireraptor Gunship
A sicaran Tank
6 Mechanicum Thallax Cohorts

All I need to get is an imperial guard enginseer to be the leader of my Cohorts to be a legal ally

This army works if i take a rite of war that the legion praetor gives me pics of build and then painted models will follow