Sunday, September 15, 2013

chapter tactics: or why our way of fighting is better then you(s)

 So this will be a series of articles focused on the way chapter tactics work and how to abuse them for the giant W... I mean the love of the game. So the first set we will have a gander at is the Ultramarines, GWs love child, their bread and butter, though for all you haters out there Ultramarines weren't always the poster, hell they only had the lime light for two editions. First edition also known as Rogue Trader had Crimson fist fighting orks, Second edition had Blood Angels fighting orks, third edition had Black Templar I believe fighting orks, fourth edition finally had Ultramarines vs Tyranids, fifth had Ultramarines vs orks, and sixth is dark Angels vs Chaos.... huh looks like orks are the marines favorite punching bag.

   Okay rant over lol, So Ultramarines get three doctrines. The first is tactical that lets all Ultramarins in your primary detachment reroll 1s when shooting, or if they are the actual tactical marine unit its all misses when shooting, this does allow tacticals to reliable reroll snap shots but onlyin your shooting phase so it wont work on over watch.

  The second  doctrine is the assault doctrine, it lets everyone in this detacthment reoll assault distance, it gives jump packs and bikes'attack bikes fleet instead i get why jump packers got fleet so dumb dumbs don't confuse it with the jump pack rules but I'm not so sure why the decided to point bikes out also.

  The Third doctrine is the devastator one, it lets your detachment reroll snap shots and gives devastaor marines relentless unless they are getting out of a vehicle, so no four heavy weapons and a drop pod combo.
  now you can put some devs in a rhino, call this doctrine and move said rhino up and let the relentless heay weapon troopers fire out the hatch.

  In the hands of a skilled player the Ultramarines tactics are scary game winning combos, there so flexible and help any kind of army you build, don't discount a drop assault with 40-60 twin linked bolter shots coming at you, sorry friends bolters win battle, they aren't high strength or flashy laser/plasma.lava beams but they will work over your opponents troops choices like a fat kid eats cake.

   lets break it down ive got 3 units in drop pods 2 tactical squads and an iron clad, i have 2 dev squads in rhinos and some bikers because lets face it bikers rock. So 2 pods come down try and get them close bar scatter failure. extend the doors for the love of god, then either have two tac squads take more up more space, dreadnought works for this also, pop your dev tactics move the rhinos up and shoot with relentless, unload with tac squad( rerolling with their snap heavy weapon) and now when your enemy wants to shoot hopefully their line of sight passes over your forward line, and yes if a unit shoots through or over a drop pod and its doors it gives you a 5+ cover, next turn hopefully you get tac squad 2 come down and hose the field with bolter shots.

  I did not mention the bikes because if you aren't running 2 grav guns and a combi grav at the very least on the squad and hunting monstrous creatures and elite infantry your doing it wrong. So in conclusion the boys in blue are back and kicking ass.

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