IG Fanatic here, taking a break from homework to up post an update to my army progress.
While I do not yet have the codex (FedEx.com assures me it will arrive tomorrow), Nova Star has been gracious enough to forward me information from his. And I must say, the changes to Command Squads really nerfed my HQ slot idea. Initially, I had planned to run Captain Sicarius as my HQ, and run him with a Command Squad kitted out for bear with meltas and flamers, and maybe some Power weapons/fists. Add a drop pod, deploy to cause havoc. However, with Command Squads loosing the option to take Special Weapons and therefore becoming a CCW unit rather then a shooty unit that can fight in assault well (combi-weapons just aren't worth the one-shot load for their points), I'm left with the task of rethinking the whole idea. I could kit the whole unit out for pure assault, I suppose.
However, several problems arise from this choice: Sicarius is pretty average in close combat. The Command Squad isn't much better. Also, we need another transport other then the drop pod; that would leave them sitting in the open for a turn at best, or leave them chasing the enemy for a couple of turns at worst. Since they are an assault unit, their transport needs to have an assault ramp, basically. That leaves us with either the Storm Raven or the Land Raider as the only viable option. At this stage we're looking at a 600-ish point unit that can be destroyed relatively easy by enemy fire. Here's what would happen: They jump out, SMASH an opposing unit. Next turn they DIE. The transport then goes off and causes some damage. Meh...
Really, what attracted me to Sicarius in the first place was to infiltrate or scout a FULL tactical squad. Sounds cool, right? Well, it is. But... a drop pod gives you the same effect, possibly with more flexibility. *sigh* So Sicarius is out. Really, Sternguard do the drop pod shooting-role better then a Command Squad would have anyways.
I still need a stalwart Leader to break into the enemy lines (lets face it, that's really what this codex brings to the current meta; what were you thinking, you'd outshoot Tau or Eldar? Pssshhh!).
So who will lead my Space Legionaries into the fray?
Who indeed? Allowing that FedEx is on time, I will update tomorrow with something with a little more substance.
Emperor Protects.
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