The new Space marines are here and man do they rock. The new sherif in town is easly the grav weapon, put simply it turns your your opponets awesome armor value up on its head imagine crushing an empty beer can. Thats what your oppontes 200+ squad/monster will look like in short order. The best platform for these guns besides the new centurion( who'd have thought the new expensive kit has good rules)is bikes. You get a very fast, RELENTLESS( key word) platfom. This way your getting maxium potntial out of these guns with a 12 inch move, 18 inch range so thats a 30 inch gun that fires 3 times with ap2 wounding on your targets armor save, ya termies are pwned on 2+( remember the beer can). Now agaisnt vehicles they are meh you have to roll a 6 and it causes 1 hull point and immobilizaed result. This is where the interwebs has its panties in a bunch. You have all these people saying that it doesnt cause an additional hull point to an alreay immobile vehicle and the only evidence they can throw at this conclusion is a faq meant for drop pods. Its like reading what the guy on ancient aliens says about pyramids and flying saucers( please no one give him a necron codex). Now how this gun works to the letter of the law( yes I grabbed my rule book and said " I am the law"). This is straight from the space marine codex entry on grav weapons( the vehicle part) When resolving a hit against a vehicle, instead of rolling for penatration as normal( what this means is your still rolling to penatrate the vechilce just not like you would with a lascannon so vehicles DO GET cover and invulnerable saves!!)on a 1-5 nothing happens, but on a 6 the target suffers an immobilised RESULT( hence you can get double immobiliezed and cause an additional hull point)and suffers 1 hull point. What this means becaus I talk to much is: if you shoot a vehicle fresh from xibit, new paint job and chrome, with no form of damage on it you will do 1 hull point and immobilize this vehicle. Ifyou shoot at the griswalds station wagon or a vehcile already immobilized you will do 2 hull points, 1 for the weopons ability and the 2nd for the a double immobilized result. If you happen to roll two 6s, which if using centurions its extremly likely as they get to reroll if they dont get a 6 and shoot 15 shots for 3 guys. You will cause 3 hull points, yes 3 hull points because: 2 for the guns ability and 1 for double immobilization. if any one disagrees with you or this please have them show me/you anywhere else in the RULE BOOK where it talks about the immobilization result except for the vehicle damage table (p74), which supports my argument by the way. I know all you Tau/Dar players are knashing your teeth and himming and hommering( yes I'm from the south. Please quit your bitching and lets compare cheesy/broken rules/wargear combos.....okay you done? can we play some 40k now? Look guys this is how it worked for drop pods till it got FAQd, and this is how it works for grav guns. I dont see IG players complaining and they have the most vehicles on the table. Why you ask becasue at the end of the day its a 3+ or 2+ dude who has the gun and enough shots/ russ pie plates or ghetto rending will smack the smurf upside his head and problem solved. Thanks for reading, until next time, Stay classy 40k
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